By Heather Toman – Senior Legal Advisor

By Heather Toman – Senior Legal Advisor

It’s essential that businesses have at least a basic understanding of the applicable legal requirements of operating a business in South Africa. Riversands I-Hub Senior Legal Advisor, Heather Toman offers advice on where to start. For many SMMEs, particularly those...
By Mahomed Bashir – Head of Finance and Facilities

By Mahomed Bashir – Head of Finance and Facilities

All businesses inherently collect data, but what matters is how they use this information. By taking time to analyse the numbers, we can use data to drive strategy and make better decisions to improve outcomes. In this Information Age, where large amounts of data are...
By Sibu Mbatha – Head of Shared Services

By Sibu Mbatha – Head of Shared Services

By forcing us to acknowledge our shared vulnerability, the pandemic brought out a softer side to ‘doing business’. Now that business is almost back to normal, we would do well to incorporate some of the valuable lessons Covid taught us. According to reports, about...
By Mzingaye Kahla – Chief Operating Officer

By Mzingaye Kahla – Chief Operating Officer

The recent growth in the use of digital technology has brought sweeping changes in the business world. Many businesses born into this era have made it part and parcel of their product offering with much success – but this does not mean that every business that...
By Juliet Mattheus – Head of Ecosystem

By Juliet Mattheus – Head of Ecosystem

Building an entrepreneurial growth mindset is about a lot more than just adopting a positive attitude – it’s how we perceive the world around us. By adopting a success mindset, we can set ourselves up for success, no matter the obstacle. Small businesses make up 98%...
By Tafadzwa Madavo – Chief Executive Officer

By Tafadzwa Madavo – Chief Executive Officer

Amazon Marketplace will, by all accounts, launch in South Africa in 2023. What opportunities will this offer SMEs? South Africans’ growing acceptance of online shopping beyond travel and accommodation can be seen in the number of delivery scooters on our roads. While...